Kim Conway Kim Conway

Kim Conway lives in a Montana cabin surrounded by birds, foxes, and the occasional bear. These animals are lovingly depicted in all of her artwork, and especially in her new line of cards with Allport Editions!

Kim crafts her hand-rendered greeting card designs in a playful and colorful cut-paper collage style. She loves gardening, hiking, floating down the river, and the process of exploration inherent in the creation of each new work.

Peace Birds

Best Seller!

Peace Birds

by Kim Conway

Chickadees Merry

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Chickadees Merry

by Kim Conway

Dog on Boat

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Dog on Boat

by Kim Conway

Thankful Birds

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Thankful Birds

by Kim Conway

Baby Elephant

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Baby Elephant

by Kim Conway

Bird's Nest

Best Seller!

Bird's Nest

by Kim Conway